The Study Of Stuff

Re-engineering their Social Engineering.

The Study Of Stuff is about the humbling journey back to truth. It seeks to revive the late art of conversation to discuss the topics of Social Engineering, Culture Creation, New Age Deception, Orthodox Christianity, Mind Control, Geo-Politics, and Philosophy. With interviews, conversation, and weird videos, come together to reveal the truth, and help us with…

Re-engineering their Social Engineering.

Who is Mano Elia?

Mano Elia is a performer who pays homage to his Hellenic roots as a travelling bard in the analog and digital world. Taking complex idea and thought, he condenses them into naturally flowing poetic rhymes.

Born into Orthodoxy, and ventured into the new-age and occult spirituality, follow him on his humbling journey back to the Orthodox roots as he re-learns. Re-thinking and re-analyzing his lyrics, it is evident the seed of truth, the Logos Spermatika was always prevalent, even under the guises of hermetic philosophy.


